Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I am on a roll...

Three posts in two days. What is the world coming to? Well, I've done one on answered prayer, and a random one on cryptographic history. Now I'm doing something else completely different. I'm posting a political article link. It's by Victor Davis Hanson (writer for NRO and Pajamas Media)

It's probably not a surprise to anyone that I'm pretty conservative politically, and I admit I didn't vote for Obama. But he's our president now, and I pray for him because he won the election fair and square. I want him to do right by our country and keep us the "land of the free and the home of the brave". But I do worry. I worry that the mainstream media gave him a pass during the election and didn't ask the hard questions that deserved to be asked. And I worry - like many, including some of his supporters these days - that there are some uneasy trends evolving based on decisions he is making.

So go read Hanson's post on Pajamas Media. Yes, it is critical. Yes, it points out some serious concerns. But the concern isn't based on ad hominem attacks, it's based on the fact that a potentially weak - even weak in appearances - Commander in Chief could be disasterous for our country. (And I'm not recommending the reader comments about the article, merely the article itself. Anyone who reads comments knows they can get awfully vituperative!)

Hanson writes, "I write here not to score points, but to warn readers that this is all very serious. Obama is our President, and we must hope he does something fast to save his administration from general ridicule that will incur real dangers for all of us abroad." So keep our president in your prayers, even if you don't agree with his policies. Pray that he makes wise decisions. Pray that he surrounds himself with other wise and knowledgable people of integrity. Because for the next four years, this team will be charting America's course through history.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very well said! I am on my way to the article now...