Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Prayer for Anglicans

This is from the July/August edition of the Mandate, the bi-monthly publication of the Prayer Book Society. I thought it very appropriate as Lambeth kicks off tomorrow.

Prayers for the people of the Anglican Way in North America:

Gracious heavenly Father, who hast blessed the peoples of North America in countless ways, and who hast caused to be planted here the Anglican branch of thy holy, catholic and apostolic Church: Look mercifully, we pray, upon the people of the Anglican Way in Canada and the U.S.A., troubled as they are by numerous problems; Grant to them, we beseech thee, the inspiration, guidance and strengthening of thy Holy Spirit that they may aspire and work truly to be the Household of Faith, the Body of Christ, and the holy People of God, united in love and truth as they follow the Lord Jesus Christ. And, by thy saving power and perpetual providence, be pleased to graft in their hearts the fear and love of thy Name; to increase in them true devotion and piety; to nourish them in all goodness; to make them tranquil in anxiety; and, in thy mercy, to keep them surely in the same; through the merits of Jesus Christ, thy Son and our Savior. Amen.

Amen indeed.

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